Three convergent rays of light, like paths, leading the ascent to higher thinking and a higher state of being. These are the three pillars of life: Mind, body, and Soul. At the top of the paths are the three phases of the moon representing the maiden, mother and elder. I interpret it as a symbol of the generations of women that have come before us, the mothers of our mothers that have all fought, loved, and cried to get you to you. Our lunar legacy, our birth right to reach our full potential. Our path to becoming whole. They all lead to a higher state of being.

The Crescent was chosen for its Latin root, crescere, to grow. As the moon changes phases, so do we, and we must make a constant effort to grow in the right direction. Focus on what is impacting and fueling changes in your life that allow you to realize all facets of yourself.

The Snake

The Ouroboros

"Wholeness is a journey; it is a continual unfolding. We are consistently working on growing and realizing that helps us to embrace the truth."